Est. 2014
Feed the Dialogue NC exists to hold conversations about food and those who produce it across North Carolina.
Questions or opinions on food or farming? Let’s hear it! We know there are many voices out there about the food you eat and how it is grown. We want to connect you straight to the source—the farmers who produce that food.
Our goal? to have a conversation. We just want to talk, and gain your perspective. After all, dialogue is how we can all make better farming and food decisions.
Our Values
In order to be a trusted source about farming and food, our credibility is vital. We achieve this through research, credible sources based in science, and sources that are experts in their fields.
Food Choice
While we may not agree with an individual’s reasons for choosing a certain diet or food, we believe strongly in food choice. Organic or non-organic, vegetarian or meat, almond or cow milk…we support choice. However, it is our intention to continue to share facts and information so individual’s can make educated choices for themselves and their families.
As our name depicts, we value dialogue. It might be hard and uncomfortable but sharing perspectives and intentionally listening is how we move forward, learn, and build relationships. We want to talk food with others and connect them to the farmers that produce it.
We value responsible farming practices. We believe that the majority of farmers strive to do the right thing when it comes to food production, animal welfare, and environmental stewardship. There are many facets of agriculture with different approaches. We value this diversity and do not want to elevate one type of farming over another. We believe in all types of farming so long as it is done ethically, responsibly, and with transparency.
We welcome opinions and questions and do not shy away from hard conversations. We value individual differences because diversity leads to more engaging dialogue and better problem solving. We remain open to others’ perspectives and invite them to the table to talk food and farming. We do so with respect, candor, and empathy.
Misinformation about food and farming practices abound, leaving the public frustrated and often confused. We value education that seeks to provide facts, not fear. We believe that educating others about their food and where it comes from empowers them to make the best decision for their life.